The Case for Autocrossing
By Stu Lasswell
You WILL become a better, safer driver. You don’t know your car’s (and your) limits until you exceed them… and that should be done in safe and controlled conditions.
You will know your car better. You will come to recognize just what your car is communicating, be it through the steering wheel, the pedals, or the seat of your pants. You get a better feel for your tires’ adhesion limits, the right timing to shift, what your steering or braking input will do, good or bad.
Hopefully you’ll see that the single greatest part to improve is that big nut behind the wheel! There is no greater factor in going faster than experience.
Let’s not forget the more important upside: FUN! There’s nothing quite like trying to get the most out of your car, challenging yourself to find that extra tenth of a second on that course. The drive is short, but oh so exhilarating!
This brief nugget of encouragement was excerpted from Stu’s story in a magazine published by Moss Motors. He autocrosses a vintage TR-3 in Phoenix SCCA and with Vintage Triumph Register. Check out AZPCA’s next autocross here.